Note names, chords, reading, writing, rhythm are taught in a positive atmosphere using methods tailored to suit each student’s learning style
Music Technology
Combine piano and technology to enhance your music education. Learn to use garageband, music apps, and more
Learn to play songs from a multitude of genres whether it’s classical, a pop song you heard on the radio, or anything in between
Learn to compose your own songs, and have them turned into sheet music as you go so you can play them again and again
Meet fellow students during popcorn parties, pair up for duets (if you’d like), and show off your hard work at recitals
While music schools tend to change instructors on a weekly or annual basis, as an independent studio, Mary will give every lesson herself. No need to waste time and money playing catch up
Succeed Outside of Class
Read through and analyze new music before playing it to reduce practice time and discover the best apps to make practicing fun
Learning is Fun
Learn notes through games, rhythm by dancing or with a drum, and some vocal training with solfege. Most importantly, learn to play the songs you want to learn